Join us this Saturday, July 26th for the 32nd Annual Science Symposium! This year marks the 76th year as a Biological Field Station and to celebrate, we will welcome keynote speaker Dr. Clifford Siegfried. Dr. Siegfried is a former researcher and Board Member of the Preserve, as well as former Director of the New York State Museum. Dr. Siegfried will be speaking on "A Perspective on 40 Years of Natural Science Research: Lessons and Challenges."
Dr. Siegfried will also be joined by current Huyck Grant researchers Seth Bigelow (Cary Institute of Ecosytem Studies), Ashley Ozelski (CUNY), and Radka Wildova (Cary Institute of Ecosytem Studies). The symposium will concluded with a wine and cheese poster session featuring the work of this year's Wildlife Ecology Research students and Odum Interns. This event is open to all thanks to the generous support of our membership. Not yet a member? Please consider joining the Huyck Preserve today and enjoy exclusive member benefits! For more information about this event, call our main office at (518)797-3440 or email [email protected]
Bill Logan
7/26/2014 01:03:46 am
7/26/2014 04:01:44 am
It's 1-3pm Bill, with the poster session following it. Comments are closed.